The Adult and Youth Lending Library No. 65 (ul. Petofiego 3) invites you to a meeting with Konrad Laskowski about the book 'Facet,' a novel on the border of thriller and psychological drama, most of which takes place in Bielany.
Konrad Laskowski - a resident of Łódź, living in Warsaw since the middle of the decade. He has been working in the banking sector for years, but he won't arrange a loan that doesn't need to be repaid 🙂 In his free time, he reads, watches movies and series, takes care of houseplants, and above all, writes. This is his method of coping with asymptomatic optimism and chronic everyday life.
'Facet' tells the story of two men whose fates intertwine due to an unfortunate accident. One of them saves the other from certain death in a sinking car. However, the life of the rescued man is full of disappointments, and he decides that someone must pay for it.
It is a story about struggling with frustration, about male depression, denying it to oneself, and how it affects the surroundings. A story about loneliness among loved ones and alcohol. About the relay of generations, where mainly bad traits are passed on. About winning at life and losing to oneself. About the modern world in the age of media and social media. About dreams.
Free admission.
📍 Location:
Adult and Youth Lending Library No. 65
ul. Petofiego 3, Warsaw