580 PLN
11.01.2025, 09:30 - 20:30
The workshop will be conducted using Bert Hellinger's systemic constellations method.
I invite you to a workshop where we will focus on a DIFFERENT WAY OF LOOKING at our problems. This time we will ALLOW THEM TO GUIDE US TOWARDS A BROAD UNDERSTANDING OF HEALTH.
In family constellations, it becomes evident that our problems, our illnesses have a deep meaning… that their emergence indicates that Life wants us to turn in some direction within ourselves, in our own history or the history of our family. To allow important, emotionally 'unprocessed' stories from our lineage to be revealed. Sometimes these are stories of someone’s injustices, unhappy loves, or forgetfulness. Illnesses push us to take ourselves and our development seriously. To grow in feeling, empathy, and true acceptance of ourselves, of what is within us, of different life attitudes, of various qualities.
In the workshop, we will allow our problems, illnesses, and emotional difficulties to guide us towards what is IMPORTANT. We will treat our difficulties as GUIDES towards unconditional Love for ourselves, towards a Love that encompasses everything, that agrees to everything, that excludes nothing and no one.
Bert Hellinger's systemic constellations method is the only method of working that can address problems of all kinds in such a quick, accurate, and effective way. It is a powerful tool for INSIGHT and CHANGE for those who would like to look at their difficulties from a different perspective, on a deeper level, taking into account the family history and the strength of relationships among its members.
The greatest phenomenon of this method is the operation of the so-called KNOWING FIELD, through which completely unfamiliar people chosen to represent us or members of our family system begin to feel like the individuals they represent. What we do not consciously perceive, what normally escapes us, quickly comes to light in constellations. The constellations show us the entire network of dependencies between individual family members and, most importantly for us, show us WHERE WE ARE LOOKING. They show US TO WHOM our problems lead us. They show whether we have entangled ourselves in someone else's affairs. Whether there is something somewhere for us to complete. Perhaps something needs to be done first before we can move towards what we care about. Or perhaps we are simply guided by a deep loyalty towards someone who lived in some way difficult and we repeat their fate… Then we need to respect that person's fate, bow down, and withdraw to our own life.
Our problem (including emotional or health-related) is a lit alarm light – it indicates that something, someone demands attention, that someone, something has been overlooked, unnoticed, unfinished, not fully experienced. When a client reports a problem, the facilitator, 'reading' the language of constellations, that is, primarily the movements, bodily sensations, and emotions of the representatives, follows the thread to the source of the problem. When a solution appears, everyone feels relieved. Our problem ceases to be necessary and can recede. The difficulty stops burdening us, and instead, the activated flow of love begins to nourish us. The service of the problem has been fulfilled.
Systemic constellations are not a medical procedure, but a method of deep work on a spiritual level. The aim of this work is to reveal systemic dynamics or personal events that lie at the root of the problem reported by the Client and, as far as possible and the Client's readiness, to work with these causes. Nevertheless, the possibility of change/healing depends on the readiness of the Client's system and the Client's own readiness to integrate the contents revealed in the constellation – emotions and images.
Participation in an individual session or workshop can evoke very strong emotions in the Client. This type of work is suitable for emotionally stable individuals, fully in control of their mental and physical faculties.
In particular, please consider your health status, taking into account ailments and physical conditions such as: tendency to shortness of breath, susceptibility to fainting, heart or breathing problems, etc. Please take all of this seriously and come to my workshop only if you take this responsibility upon yourself as an adult.
For many people, participation in constellations can be a one-time therapeutic/developmental event. For individuals with more serious problems, constellations usually support and complement the ongoing therapeutic process or signal the need to undertake regular individual therapy.
If after reading all this information you decide to participate, I invite you to register.
January 11 (Saturday), from 9:30 AM to 8:30 PM with a one-hour break for lunch;
LOCATION: Żoliborz Center - Warsaw, Plac Inwalidów 10 - Jarzębina Room
580 PLN - participation in the workshop with your own constellation reserves with a deposit (non-refundable) of 280 PLN and sending confirmation of the transfer. Since the deposit is always non-refundable, please make a thoughtful decision.
In case of cancellation of participation in the workshop in the reserved date at least 48 hours before the start of the workshop, there is a possibility of transferring the deposit once to another date within 3 months from the date of the reserved date.
In case of cancellation of participation in the workshop less than 48 hours before the start of the workshop, the deposit is forfeited.
280 PLN – participating observer – option without personal work for those who want to get to know the method of constellations in practice as a representative. For observers, I will ask for full payment immediately before the workshop date.
Additionally, the price includes water, coffee, tea, and cookies 😊
Therapy of the Soul Marta Duszyńska
40 2490 0005 0000 4530 8812 8809
Please include in the transfer title: workshop date, phone number.
For REGISTRATIONS and any questions or doubts, please feel free to contact me by phone or email.
Marta Duszyńska
Certified Systemic Constellations Therapist
Mobile: 607 230 783, email: ustawienia@duszynska.net
I learned family constellations from Bert Hellinger himself, as well as from Gerhard Walper, Wolfgang Deusser, Heiko Hinrichs, and Andrea Drohli.
In addition, I completed a Two-Year Study of Psychotherapy in the Process Psychology approach of Arnold Mindell.
The training I have completed in the field of helping includes:
- 'Happiness that Lies at Your Feet' – training seminar conducted by Bert Hellinger, Wrocław 2013.
- Training within the New, Spiritual Family Constellations according to Bert and Sophie Hellinger – W. Deusser, G. Walper, A. Choińska (elements of strong holding therapy) 2014-2016.
- Supervisory training in the field of family work, health, and professional success – Wolfgang Deusser, Warsaw 2017-2018.
- 'Trauma as an Important Life Experience. What are the forms and how to successfully integrate them with personal development?' - W. Deusser, Kraków 2022.
- 'My trauma, my body, my SELF' - training in the Intentions Constellations of Franz Ruppert, Warsaw 2018.
- Workshop on the Method of Unpinning by Małgorzata Wołukanis
- psychiatric practices under supervision as part of training at the Institute of Process Psychology - 2018.
- 'Psychotherapeutic practice with elements of psychopathology' – IPP in Warsaw
- Warrior on the Path of the Heart – Masuria 2015.
- 'Eating Disorders' in (PIPI) in Kraków, 2013.
- 'Psychotherapy of Anxiety Disorders' in (PIPI) in Kraków, 2013.
- 'Psychotherapist as a Tool for Change' in (PIPI) in Kraków, 2013.
- 'Warrior on the Path of the Heart' - Institute of Process Psychology (IPP) in Warsaw
- 'Integrative Systemic Short-Term Psychotherapy' at the Polish Institute of Integrative Psychotherapy (PIPI) in Kraków, 2012.
From personal experience, I can add that systemic constellations have changed my life, my understanding of life, the principles governing it, bringing understanding, peace, and an incomparably greater sense of the meaning of life as it is given to us. I warmly invite you.
Our Body and Soul are a living record of what has happened to us.
To us at the stage before birth…
To us in our Mother’s womb, from the very conception…
To us in childhood…
To us in later periods of life…
Our body and soul also record what happened NOT TO US, but to our ANCESTORS.
When something strongly resonates within us, calls out, when something increasingly knocks at us, it is usually something that has NOT BEEN FULLY EXPERIENCED, that has been marginalized, split off, pushed outside of what we want to remember and what we want to be in contact with.
Why is something thrown out of conscious individual and family memory? Usually because something was too difficult or for some reason threatening.
Perhaps someone experienced something terrible before birth. Maybe they had a twin sibling who died at the embryonic stage… and we witnessed how our closest being was leaving while we could do nothing… Our helplessness, terror, and despair were not experienced and are stuffed somewhere deep within us. And we search for something our whole life, we search and feel 'NOT THIS, NOT THIS, NOT THERE.' We are searching for something but do not really know what, because we have no memory from that period, we have no memory of our greatest loss.
Perhaps our own birth was difficult, perhaps we even experienced temporary asphyxia, perhaps we had the umbilical cord wrapped around our neck and were suffocating. Perhaps we still have breathing problems or wake up in mortal fear of suffocation, perhaps we have such coughing fits that we fear we will run out of air for good… Maybe we suffer from chronic respiratory inflammation…
Perhaps our Mother had an abortion. Perhaps we resided in her womb after that procedure. Can we feel safe there? Can we then feel safe in life? Can we trust others? In such a case, is the fear of death justified? Is the overwhelming longing for deceased siblings and the desire to join them, that is, the attraction to death, falling into serious illnesses, taking risks, passion for extreme sports, for endangering life justified?
Perhaps someone’s Father or Mother died, and for a small child, it was unbearable… then the child was unable to contain the grief, the pain of such a great loss, was unable to fully experience it, say goodbye to the deceased Parent, and thus got stuck with them… and here again, the same… longing caused by the desire to join the deceased… then we say at an unconscious level: 'I follow you,' 'I, like you, go into death'...
What if our Great-Grandmother experienced rape during the war? Could this be related to our problems in the area of reproductive health? Could it explain our FEAR OF SEXUALITY? OF MEN? If a child was born from the rape, could this explain our aversion to being pregnant, to motherhood, to children? Is it then possible for us to open up to pleasure?
What if our Grandfather miraculously survived some battle, the execution of many comrades in arms? Did he feel that since they died, he was allowed to live? Could this be related to the fact that we feel attracted to the vast field of the deceased that our grandfather looked at? Or could we feel an irresistible need for REVENGE AND KILLING? Huge AGGRESSION? And we don’t know against whom… for what… why? Where does this come from?
All these DISTURBANCES, whether personal or ancestral, do not disappear, they accumulate and wait to be contacted, to be COMPLETED, FINISHED, and RELEASED…
If someone found it too difficult to experience something, perhaps someone else will succeed later. Here comes the topic of INHERITING TRAUMAS. Why does a granddaughter feel so terrified before a test or presentation at work, as if she were about to enter a gas chamber, to be shot, as if she were going to her execution?
Problems also arise when we DISCRIMINATE against some important part of ourselves. When we do not allow ourselves to experience the FULL RANGE of human feelings, including childhood feelings, when we have BLOCKED feelings such as anger, sadness, despair, jealousy, joy, because we do not want to be like that. But also when we need to be able to be more SOMEONE – more assertive, calmer, more lenient, or perhaps the opposite – more unyielding, when we need to stand more firmly for OURSELVES and our DESIRES.
Painful mental and somatic ailments also appear AFTER ABUSES we have experienced. If someone was beaten, humiliated, shamed, or Parents 'only' yelled at them, when someone's dignity was abused, destroyed, those difficult feelings that we were unable to fully experience at that time or were outright forbidden to do so, still reside split off in our body and soul. They later return in the form of unbearable tensions, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, cramps in the legs, diarrhea, hypersensitive intestines, tense buttocks, in the back, especially in the upper part, as if we were constantly carrying some huge burden, a shell… and it doesn’t matter that we are already adults, that we live far from those who once hurt us… those wounds, as long as we do not allow all the associated feelings, are REAL NOW and cut us off from ourselves.
Old traumas are also current now and are triggered in various situations.
Perhaps we feel within ourselves at first glance unjustified anger, rage, a desire for revenge, hostility. Towards people to whom these feelings are inappropriate. But if we look HOLISTICALLY, looking at our life from its dawn, at the lives of our ancestors, the picture presents itself quite differently.
Now it becomes clear that EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN US ON THE LEVEL OF BODY AND SOUL MAKES SENSE. That everything, every problem, symptom, every emotional state MAKES SENSE.
Now the most important question becomes:
Are these MY emotions, my feelings?
Are they related to MY history?
To someone from my life? To my Parents? To my partner?
Through someone else to someone who lived, for example, 50 years ago?
If we find the right ADDRESS to which various emotions continuously generated within us are directed…
If we find the SPECIFIC SITUATIONS that are REALLY at stake…
If we find those feelings that have not been experienced…
If we find the TRUE OWNER of the broken heart, the desire for revenge, and the address to which it was actually meant to be directed…
Then we will be able to give it a place, allow it to show itself, flow, and calm down.
What is OURS TO EXPERIENCE, to become aware of, and TO MOVE FORWARD…
Changed. More adult. In our strength. Calmer. Healthier.
TO LEAVE it to those to whom it belongs. And return to our own matters. Relieved. More present.
More present here and now.