Warsaw, a perfect start to the year 2025.
Care and concern for your own time. A critical and systematic art of planning.
Price 390 PLN. Until December 18: 300 PLN.
An original method of managing reality. A bit of work-life balance, a bit of anti-burnout.
Our collaborator, academic lecturer, and excellent trainer Ania Chromik invites you to a workshop that changes the perception of a topic that in pop-personal development was called 'time and task management'.
Instead of a false narrative that we can acrobatically and ultimately exhaustively model time and space to fit all the obligations often imposed from above and against our will, Ania will guide you through the process of better caring for your well-being, setting priorities, and productively using time and other resources.
The workshop stands in contrast to cultural narratives of self-sacrifice and the regime of continuous productivity, focusing on techniques and methods leading to a relative sense of calm and critically analyzing plans, duties, and compulsions, defining self-care in contrast to the commercialized version of this concept, including oppressive beauty standards and class/economic exclusion / strengthening the culture of care in organizations and communities
including care for mental health and psychosocial support.
It teaches the perception of caring for oneself, for others, and for the common good as an important aspect of strengthening social equality
including the specificity of the social positioning of women and other individuals disproportionately burdened with care work
including the specificity of care work and emotional labor for dependent individuals (most often children, family members with disabilities, elderly people) and striving for greater equality in this area.
The training is for you if:
- you are overwhelmed by the necessity of planning and managing your own tasks at work, children's activities, family and household matters, and on top of that personal development, yoga, self-care, movement, social life, and the famous unexpected 'there's always something,'
- you manage perfectly or almost perfectly and are in a constant rush, and the task list never ends,
- you feel like you can't manage, and texts like 'everything is possible, it's just a matter of good organization' trigger murderous instincts or feelings of guilt in you,
- you sometimes have the impression that the world is throwing more and more task balls at you, which you are supposed to juggle gracefully, but you no longer have enough hands and are about to drown under a pile of balls
and for a while, you even manage to squeeze your butt, tighten your ranks, and discipline yourself to set goals, manage your calendar and to-do list, but after a few weeks, everything returns to old tracks, meaning: overwhelm, exhaustion, procrastination, confusion, guilt, constant running, 'I don't even know what to tackle anymore'?