Directed by Olga Chajdas, Poland, Netherlands, Czech Republic 2023, 113’
Award-winning, powerful, trance-like, and loud cinema about various shades of transformation and a portrait of a woman like never seen in Polish cinema, featuring a stunning performance by Lena Góra, hypnotizing music by Andrzej Smolik, and untamed cinematography by Tomasz Naumiuk. The late 80s, the Coast. Ela, the youngest of nine siblings, is just entering adulthood, but she already knows that she doesn't fit into the rigid rules of the old order or the emerging new world. She finds refuge in the Tricity alternative – until reality demands her attention. A multidimensional, post-punk story directed by Olga Chajdas about a young woman yearning for life amidst the grayness of the People's Republic of Poland, about the desire for freedom, sex, the power of youth, and the most difficult bond – that with her mother. And in the background, the rebellious Tricity music scene, a phenomenon of the 80s and a harbinger of revolutionary changes in Poland.
/ticket – 25 zł