300 PLN
12.01.2025, 16:00 - 20:00
January 12, 2024 (Sunday) from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM – Purpose of Life, Relationship with the Soul, with oneself and with others - New Year's Workshop – during the first full moon of the year 2025
During the workshop: numerology of the year 2025, what opportunities and gifts the new year 2025 brings. The workshop takes place in the energy of the Full Moon in the sign of Cancer, which initiates themes: releasing emotions, especially related to the feeling of lack of love and care, taking responsibility for one's life, working with the Inner Family, with ancestors, with the lineage, building a safe base for further growth, returning home within us.
The year 2025 is 2+0+2+5 = 9.
9 in Numerology corresponds to the 10 bodies according to Kundalini Yoga, which is the Subtle Body. Do you express subtlety and sensitivity and can you penetrate beyond the superficial? What is the real purpose of life? In the numerology of the year 2025, we also have two important numbers 5 and 7. Overall, 5, 7, and 9 are all odd, in contrast to the year 2024, where even numbers 4, 6, and 8 dominated.
The subtle body is the guardian of spirit, health, and life. It is the most powerful of all your bodies and is strengthened by meditation. Every time you work on yourself, you work on the subtle body. You can significantly improve your connection with the soul through music, art, creating a beautiful home, or a royal way of dressing. Refined art, actions, expressions will bring you closer to the soul. When you become very, very subtle, you will be very close to your soul. This is a simple way to reach the consciousness of God.
The subtle body expresses subtle sensitivity in communication with others and the environment. When the subtle body works properly, the person immediately becomes sensitive to non-verbal signals and to the true meaning beyond words.
When our subtle body is strong, we possess finesse and calmness. Nothing in life is a mystery to us. We learn quickly, masterfully, and effortlessly master situations.
During the workshop, we will combine Kundalini yoga kriyas, meditations, concentration practices, and deep relaxation to discover our gifts, destiny/path.
Instructor: Har Anand/ Barbara Maziarska - teacher and trainer of Kundalini yoga instructors, healer, and instructor of Sat Nam Rasayan.
Investment 300 PLN. A place is reserved upon registration: email: name and surname + contact phone sent to: jogamed1@gmail.com
Location: Yoga and Natural Therapy Studio JogaMed, ul. Herbsta 2. Warsaw Stokłosy.