During the thematic tour with the exhibition curator, we will take a look at the new photographs from Teresa Szwedkowicz's collection that will be featured in the exhibition at the beginning of January.
An event for youth and adults.
More information: dostepnosc@ethnomuseum.pl; tel. 502 955 534 (possibility to send SMS).
New exhibits have appeared in the exhibition. For conservation reasons, after three months of display, we have replaced the most sensitive objects in the exhibition, namely the photographs. This allows for a completely new presentation of the images from Teresa Szwedkowicz's collection. Although they are the same themes, different faces, outfits, and stories lie behind them.
The collector has gathered over 500 such photographs, which depict the residents of Opoczno villages in traditional attire during the most important moments of family and social life cycles. They are an example of peasant family photography and reflect the image of the rural community at the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Above all, they express the peasant perception of the world, where themes related to family and its functioning dominate.
During the tour, we will take a look at the new photographs that appeared in the exhibition at the beginning of January. We will consider what a source of information and knowledge they were for the collector herself, and what they can be for us.
Joanna Bartuszek