Joint caroling in the Old Town – join the tradition that connects generations! ✨
Although in some places holiday decorations are already giving way to Valentine's hearts, in Polish tradition the caroling season lasts until the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also known as the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a special moment to pause for a moment and sing together songs that have resonated in our homes and temples for centuries 🌟
Wednesday, January 15, at 6:30 PM/ br St. Martin's Church, Piwna 9/11, Warsaw/ br
Why is it worth it? 🎶
Singing together with loved ones, as well as other faithful, reminds us of what is most beautiful in the tradition of Polish carols – their spiritual dimension and the depth intertwined with simplicity. Each participant can engage in the prayerful meeting. This is something we won't experience at carol concerts performed in a stage style.
The repertoire will include, among others, such carols as:
'God is Born'
'Star is Burning'
'Triumphs of the Heavenly King'
The lyrics of the carols will be available on-site – in paper and electronic form.
Bring your family, friends, and neighbors – let the walls of St. Martin's Church in the Old Town be filled with our singing! ✨
See you there! 😊