1350 - 1800 EUR
14.11.2024 - 17.11.2024, 06:00 - 16:00
27.02.2025 - 02.03.2025, 00:00
24.04.2025 - 27.04.2025, 00:00
Kundalini Counseling Course
Sadhana Singh
We invite you to the first edition in Poland
of the unique course authored by
Sadhana Singh
– Counseling Kundalini
The course lasts a total of 12 days on the following dates:
November 14-17, 2024,
February 27 – March 2, 2025
April 24-27, 2025.
First Meeting
Hotel Aubrecht immersed in nature.
The cost of staying in a double room with full vegetarian board, all-day catering of hot and cold drinks, access to the entire pool and spa area is 1800.00 for the entire stay of the first meeting from November 14-17, 2024.
Instructor: Sadhana Singh as lead trainer The course is in English with translation into Polish
Total cost: 1500 EUR plus accommodation costs.
Until June 30, early bird discount – 1350 EUR
Deposit 500 EUR.
Only the deposit guarantees a place.
Payment to the account in Euro, with the note name surname, Kundalini Counseling Course Aleksander Deptuła 21 1140 2004 0000 3712 1699 9375
Organization, information, and translation – Aleksander Deptuła, aleksander.deptula@gmail.com, 603 177 763
Organization and information – Ewa Mruk hello@ewa.mruk.pl, 608520996
Specialized course
'The Science of Essence in Counseling'
“Everyone is unique and has all the potential within.
The main goal in everyone's life is to be oneself, to express that, and to be useful
to someone else through one's own experience and knowledge.”
Sadhana Singh
The aim of the training is to enable the participant to experience a specific state of consciousness, mental projection, and attitudes, allowing them to uplift and support others in expressing themselves and manifesting their intentions.
It is an empirical process aimed at achieving a balance between intuitive perception, clear analysis of the matter, and proper communication, which is personally impersonal. Based on The Science of Essence, the core of Kundalini Yoga, the training guides through the exploration of the natural progression of the self in the journey of life as a powerful designed reality.
The application of Quantum Psychological Intelligence enhances perception to capture the cause of every circumstance and strengthen the neutrality of the mind so that it can carefully serve the entire psyche, allowing the Self to achieve balance.
The quantum approach guarantees that small doses of technology, practice, certain attitudes, and lifestyle lead to exponential consequences conducive to expressing the uniqueness of the individual.
Counseling Training
The training is supported by video materials, books, and manuals.
1. The Science of the Mind in Reality
Tune the mind to the frequency of the soul to win the game of life.
As long as the dynamics of the mind are not understood, processed, and mastered, the mind itself is our master, not a humble, efficient, and magnificent servant of the soul, acting under the constant supervision of consciousness.
Life is nothing but facing the impossible. The secret of success is balancing emotions, feelings, and inner chaos with awareness and intelligence. If you cannot do this, the game is over. You are blessed with only one thing, to balance these aspects within yourself, all the time. This is the secret of perfection.
Can you trust what you feel? Can you follow your thoughts? Does your intention serve the expression of your true self? Do your senses interpret reality as it is? Are your actions consistent with who you are?
There is a practical way to assess all the above elements to maintain balance in any turbulent, unbalanced circumstances. To synchronize inner intention with outer projection and express with the strength of spirit what is best in you.
The unique ability of your mind is to have a relationship with yourself. Your mind should interpret you, your mind should expand you, your mind should project you, your mind should relate to you, your mind should process data for you, your mind should bring your intuition home, your mind should tell you everything you want to know, and your mind should guide you and be your assistant. The mind has eighty-one aspects. The mind is timeless, the mind is beyond time, beyond space.
In the art of Counseling (personal advising), we have specific teachings and guidelines to follow. They are essential not only for counseling but also for any kind of coaching, psychologists, and therapists. They define what Counseling is, how it works, why it should be done, and what one should commit to. It is the ethical code of the counselor.
These specific teachings explain the professional way of being and the dangers associated with it, providing guidance, protection, and skills for the counselor with a full range of possible typologies of people and various pathologies or dynamics, in relation to which people may seek advice. They define counseling for couples, for health, for success, for personal development, providing a full spectrum of possible ways to apply it.
The teachings will be available to participants so they can study and integrate them during the training as personal development and as homework with films and written materials.
2. Essential actions to master the art of Counseling
The entire perspective of counseling has a structure of simple progress, which requires a specific state of consciousness, mental projection, and attitudes to ensure honesty and neutrality. These must be practiced during the course.
Each step is an opportunity to apply The Science of Essence, the core of Kundalini Yoga, as an art, balancing intuitive perception, clear analysis of the matter, proper communication, and the right proportion between being personal and impersonal.
This will be our compass for testing the competence to provide counseling services with precision, applying the talent to sense situations and the skills to find a way and effectively resolve situations.
Below are the subsequent steps of a typical Counseling process:
1. Emotional stirring of the client
2. A clear and undistorted view of the client
3. Classifying the problem
4. Processing the response and direction of action
5. Communicating them to the client
6. Closing the case
3. Diagnoses and remedies, perception and knowledge
The counselor must develop the ability and sensitivity to perceive the reality that occurs in relation to the client and maintain its intensity until the underlying cause provoking the current situation becomes clear.
Based on this, it is equally important to find a solution, which can be an exercise, meditation, lifestyle suggestion, or an attitude that restores the normal flow of healing to create a human state of expression of the Self.
These teachings are based on millennia of experience in observing the dynamics of being in dealing with life, studying the causes of dysfunction at every level, refining the ability to diagnose, and testing techniques, breathing, movement, and meditation to apply them as effective therapy. They record the full range of possible tendencies and dysfunctions in human life, the proper technology for restoring harmony and efficiency, thanks to the continuous dedication and sacrifice of saints and yogis who have spent their entire lives practicing and testing even a single technique to acknowledge its benefits, consequences, effects, and precautions.
It is very important to diagnose oneself, and then after diagnosing oneself, to know oneself. After knowing oneself, you must have the strength to project yourself. These are the three traits and abilities that allow a person to live or develop.
If your own ability is damaged, there is no understanding, no proper diagnosis, your projection will always be wrong. That is why there is misfortune in human life, not because it is given from the heavens.
4. The art of being human: serving others
Understanding and experiencing the simplicity and universality of being human is what builds a good counselor, enabling the revelation of this to the client with wisdom and accuracy concerning the situation, dynamics, and life cycles, to promote their expression as a unique being.
There is a whole branch of The Science of Essence that explains the reality, caliber, and royal character of the human being. And it sheds light on the infinite resources that a person can manifest in their progress towards the Self, adjusting the senses to the reality of the essence of things.
Being human is the prerogative of the soul's intention in space and time. The ancient science of the essence of things prepares everyone to experience life through the presence of spirit to gain knowledge that forms the basis of wisdom allowing growth. Growth involves dealing with oneself, managing oneself in unmanageable circumstances.
If the flow of the essence of things (essence) does not support one's own flow of meaning, the self cannot succeed. This failure will bring depression, and depression will bring misfortune. When the interdependence between essence and senses is broken, there is no way to balance and maintain the self in the flow of life.
5. Living in the day: the day as a fractal of life
Based on Sukhmani Sahib, understanding what a human essence is should be connected with what life is for and how to consciously and effectively dedicate our time and energy to what, with what motivation, and when.
When all this is in harmony, each day will be a perfect investment to manifest our inner intention in peace and happiness, enjoying the game of life. The course of life will simply sum up the subsequent days, which one after another will determine the speed, orbit, and purpose of the journey.
This choice is in our hands, and it all depends on how we live today. Today creates tomorrow, and today can redeem yesterday. One day is all we have.
Every day we can give something different of ourselves, or confirm what we have already given, persist in perfection, or succumb to inertia.
The time is now, life is today.
So how to live each day in perfection to sublimate life? Twenty-four hours of the day are thus a fractal of life, as if a repetition of a geometric shape that we can see, for example, in a snowflake, leaf, or ice crystal. Life is built by our being in the present, and life will be the result of the succession and progression of several subsequent today’s days.
6. Practical experience of being a counselor and advising someone else
We come from a tradition where often a counseling session took place sitting in front of the counselor or with a small group of people around or with an embarrassingly large crowd. This was a way to practically teach the art of counseling.
The course will offer the opportunity to receive an individual session from the lead trainer in a group, but also counseling to teach others and how to do it oneself with practical tools for effective self-assessment. All to pragmatically transfer the entire experience, didactics, and teachings into action.