Dear Friends🖐
We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming Qi Gong workshop 'Dao Yoga' - Daoist Breathing, which will take place on 16-17.11.2024, at Twarda 42 (formerly the studio Oddaj Ciężar)
'Breath is life - breath is qi'.☯️
In Qi Gong, we know the 'Three Regulations': regulation of posture (physical body), regulation of breath (emotional body), and regulation of thoughts (mental body). In this workshop, we will focus particularly on breathing and the breath.
Through breath, we can directly influence the movement of Qi in the body, as breath and Qi are closely connected. Therefore, the regulation of breath will always be a regulation of Qi. Moreover, breath is movement and can be used to direct Qi to different parts of the body.
Our breath and the way we breathe also have a profound impact on our nervous system. By consciously directing our breath, we will have direct access to our feelings and emotions. In this way, our breathing practice can help dissolve emotional blockages and traumas.
In dao yoga, we use specific positions to open the system and increase the flow of Qi.
The exercises of daoist yoga are not aimed at making us stretched and flexible, but that will be an additional effect of the practice. Their goal is to relax the nervous system and the Qi that flows within the body. As the nerves and Qi relax, the body naturally opens up.
In various positions of dao yoga, we will remove blockages. As a result, joints and cavities of the body open up – we witness the creation of inner space, and the breath deepens.
During this workshop, we will use positions of daoist yoga and daoist breathing in such a way that both practices support each other, and their results complement one another.
The workshop is open to all interested. Previous experience in this practice is not necessary.' - Ron Timm.
Full description and registration for the workshops:
By registering by 1.11, you will receive an early bird discount (100 PLN)
If you have any questions, please write to:, with the subject: 'Qi Gong Workshop Warsaw'
Good Qi,
The Path Of Dao Team