22nd edition! Certified online advanced course: 'Trainer of Social Skills Level I and II and Trainer of Emotion Control, working with children, adolescents, and adults' (28 teaching hours)
The Dot over the I! Center for Psychological-Pedagogical Innovations and Short-Term Therapy invites you to a two-day (Saturday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM and Sunday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM) proprietary advanced course concluded with the issuance of TUS and TKE trainer certificates.
👉Date: January 18-19, 2024 (Saturday-Sunday)
Location: The training is conducted online (on ZOOM - the link is sent to participants via email no later than 7 days before the training).
Important! We want this training not to be 'art for art's sake' but to bring you a wealth of knowledge and skills. Therefore, a condition for participation is that the camera and microphone are turned on (the microphone is turned on when we want to say something) and active participation in the classes - including individual and group exercises. Lack of an active camera and/or microphone will prevent participation in the training.
👉Who is the training dedicated to? Psychologists, educators, coaches, therapists, teachers, students of psychological-pedagogical fields, people working in the broadly understood psychological-pedagogical assistance, and all those who would like to acquire the competencies of TUS and TKE trainers in working with children, adolescents, and adults.
Parents who would like to reach their child, better understand their needs, and improve their parenting skills will also find the training very beneficial - even if they never use the TUS/TKE certificate in psychological-pedagogical work.
👉The training program includes the following topics:
1. Solution-focused approach and the language of solutions in TUS/TKE
2. Diagnosis of developmental needs (including socio-emotional) of a person.
3. Socio-emotional competencies - types. 70 competencies to be developed during TUS/TKE classes.
4. Working with individuals with ADHD/Asperger's Syndrome/on the autism spectrum.
5. Characteristics and specifics of TUS/TKE classes, procedure of classes.
6. Qualification for TUS/TKE classes and planning the topics of meetings, tasks and attitudes of trainers, organization of space.
7. Introducing rules and motivational systems.
8. Steps of skills and sequence of classes.
9. Exercises developing socio-emotional competencies. Developing lesson scenarios according to the steps of skills using proprietary lesson outlines.
10. Working on stories and true stories.
11. Using elements of TUS/TKE in working with a large group, including in a school class.
12. Feedback, generalization, homework.
13. Communication errors. From diagnosis to effective response.
The training is conducted particularly based on the assumptions of the solution-focused approach (SFA)
👉Cost 499 PLN (payable within 3 days of registration) Of course, we issue personal or company invoices upon request.
👉Registration: just send an SMS to the phone number 794501005 (name and surname, email address, and note TUS/TKE 18-19.01). In the feedback, you will receive confirmation of your registration and payment details. After receiving the payment, we will finally confirm your place in the training.
In case of cancellation - we do not refund the paid amount, but you have the option to find someone to take your place.
Registration for the training means your consent to the processing of personal data (name, surname, email, and phone number) for the purposes of training management (sending information and contact).
👉Trainer: Michał Przybyłowicz
• school psychologist, educator, and therapist under supervision, on the path to certification in the SFA/TSR approach (solution-focused approach and therapy);
• member of the Polish Association of Solution-Focused Therapy Therapists PSTTSR;
• therapist and diagnostician - specialist in systemic family therapy, couples, marriages, pedagogical therapy for children, adolescents, and adults, pedagogical therapy in the area of developmental dyslexia, addiction issues;
• graduate of the youth psychotherapy program in the psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral approaches;
• international Ambassador of the Kids’ Skills method Dam Radę! and Jestem z Ciebie Dumny, at the Brief Therapy Institute in Helsinki
• education trainer, consultant, expert in projects of the Educational Development Center in Warsaw, the Education Office in Łódź, the Warsaw Center for Educational and Social Innovations and Training, the Humanitas University in Sosnowiec, the Teacher Development Center in Sosnowiec, and the Łódź Center for Teacher Development and Practical Education;
• trainer in the prevention of aggression, cyberbullying, and addictions at the Education and Prevention Center 'Dialog' from Kraków;
• expert of the Educational Competence Development Center in Warsaw, in the area of problematic addiction prevention and cooperation between schools and students' families;
• specialist and methodological advisor in the field of school pedagogy, working with students with behavioral disorders and aggression, individualizing teaching and upbringing processes, working with gifted students, interpersonal communication;
• trainer of social skills and anger control training, as well as workshops in working with children on the autism spectrum and ADHD;
• academic teacher - lecturer of pedagogical subjects, training courses, and sign language;
• implementer and substantive expert of the Government Program 'Safe+' implemented in schools across Poland;
• director of the Practical Pedagogy Center
anch in Warsaw;
• member of the National Association of Educational Management Staff;
• member of the Task Force on School Pedagogy of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
• gained his pedagogical experience in positions as a teacher in grades 0-3 of primary school, school club supervisor, school psychologist, and in a psychological-pedagogical counseling center, as well as a school principal;
• author of the nationwide program: 'Scrabble in School' implemented in over 4000 schools across Poland;
• author of the program: 'Games with Sign Language or a Sign Language Course for Early School and Preschool Children';
• co-author of the program: Children's Music Creations. A program for developing children's competencies through musical and movement games;
• author of training programs for teachers in the areas of interpersonal communication, cooperation with parents, and addiction prevention;
• author of projects: School of Creative Educators, School of Positive Atmosphere;
• trainer of training for animators, courses for educators and leaders of children's and youth recreation;
• author of the School Culture Animator program,
• creator of the proprietary project and training materials: 'Solution-Focused Approach and the Language of Solutions in Educational and Upbringing Work and in the Development of Parenting Competencies.'
• to date, has conducted over 14,000 hours of training, workshops, and lectures;