New Theatre Club
Performance in Belarusian with Polish and English subtitles.
Note: the performance uses flashing lights of strong intensity.
22.01 tickets STU 25 PLN
Duration: 40 minutes
Tickets: 50/35 PLN
A week before the Festival of Mary Magdalene in 1518, Frau Troffea left her house through the courtyard and unexpectedly for herself began to dance feverishly on one of the narrow streets of Strasbourg. She danced all day until late evening, and then all night. On the third day of her mad dancing, she was extremely exhausted, her shoes soaked in blood, but she could not stop. Eventually, her contagious dance rolled through the city and triggered a dance epidemic that brought many victims.
Immersing herself in the story of Frau Troffea, the performer recounts her own experience of traumatic obsession and the relentless search for freedom, which seems painful and deadly. The shock caused by separation from home and the past, forced emigration from Belarus, and the search for oneself makes her completely dissolve in the attractive Berlin rave culture. The magnetism of techno brings an external and internal transformation of the partygoer. Under the influence of intense stress caused by stimulants, she experiences a new freedom of communication and movement. Accelerating, the performer loses and regains the precision of movement, observes the body's reactions, catches critical indicators of heart rate. This action, both physiological and poetic, reveals various artistic dimensions. Through an intense body ceremony, the story of the illness of the entire country and the obsessive search for a cure in freedom is told.
Concept, direction: Sergey Shabohin
Idea, performance: Igor Shugaleev
Choreography: Agnieszka Kryst
Music: Mikita Bubashkin
Visualization: Aleksandra Kononchenko
Producer: Marina Dashuk
Subtitles (BY): Yania Arlova
Subtitles (PL): Maria Pushkina
Subtitles (ENG): Sara Tokina
Subtitles (DE): Yaraslava Ananka, Heinrich Kirschbaum
Project production: KALEKTAR (research platform on Belarusian contemporary art)
Co-production: New Theatre
Partners: JunОst in Bayern, Prague Pride
Premiere: December 15, 2022
October 4, 2024 Art Week, Białystok
August 31, 2024 Internationale Tanzmesse nrw, Düsseldorf (Germany)
October 28-29, 2023 Theater festival SPIELART, Munich (Germany)
July 2, 2023 Malta Festival, Poznań
June 29 - July 1, 2023 Open'er 2023, Gdynia