We announce the recruitment for our Choir of Pure Hearts!
The name of the choir comes from the Movement of Pure Hearts, which is an initiative aimed at promoting values related to the purity of heart, thoughts, and actions in everyday life. It is a movement that focuses on inner transformation and striving for our thoughts and feelings to be noble and full of love. The choir brings together members of the movement, as well as supporters and all those who are not affiliated but would like to come and sing with us 🙂
We are therefore announcing auditions, which will take place on January 7th and January 12th at Ząbkowska Street 4 - Praga Północ. During the auditions, we will get to know each other better and officially join the choir. We invite youth from 18 years old and adults. The most important thing for us is the willingness to sing and develop. Experience is not required, although it is welcome. To register for the audition, please fill out the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdQlPt9qMxFe--nrT80aFTvPwCcOwRl9JWW8caA2LRPcQzV7w/viewform
During rehearsals, we work on proper breathing, voice emission, diction, and multi-part singing based on interesting pieces, including in foreign languages. With us, you can find learning, relaxation, and enjoy spending time creating music together.
We invite you!