TRAP – a gripping crime thriller by Edward Taylor, directed by Cezary Żak and newly translated by Alicja Przerazińska and Adam Kasjaniuk.
TRAP – a luxury apartment in a modern skyscraper standing on a cliff, with a view of the sea. The architecture of the house and its location create a disturbing atmosphere, foreshadowing future events.
TRAP – two writers, friends Harold Kent and Paul Riggs, have been co-writing television crime scripts for ten years. At the moment Harold wants to become independent, the essence of their relationship is revealed. Both are willing to do anything to achieve their goals. A cascade of gripping events and twists follows, leading to a surprising FINALE!
TRAP - Marta Ścisłowicz, Piotr Głowacki, Leszek Lichota, and Jędrzej Hycnar – outstanding Polish actors create performances that completely immerse us in the criminal intrigue!