Systemic settings according to Bert Hellinger allow for insight and healing in personal, family, and professional matters.
Work is conducted with deep focus and seriousness.
Sessions are conducted with respect for the participant's readiness and capabilities, as well as the privacy of themselves and the individuals related to the topic.
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Jacek Wiktor - 15 years of experience working in the spirit of Bert Hellinger's philosophy and his latest discoveries (Spiritual/Silent Settings), as well as many practices of mindfulness and breathing from Eastern and Western traditions.
He studied and assisted Dr. Sławomir Sówka (4 years), Ewa Mikołajczak (4 years), Małgorzata Rajchert-Lewandowska (7-month silent settings course). He completed 6 Vipassana courses in the tradition of S.N. Goenka. Creator of the liberating practice of Soulfullness - allowing you to see yourself as you are (more at