I invite individuals who would like to learn and apply the method of systemic constellations according to Bert Hellinger.
The project is a six-month cycle of workshops.
That is, five two-day workshops in Warsaw and a five-day workshop under supervision at an agritourism center near Warsaw.
Convenient dates for the subsequent modules will be determined together by the participants at the first meeting.
Participants receive a Certificate of Completion of the Academy after completing all modules.
All participants during the Academy have the opportunity to participate twice a month in an open constellation group at Paulina Maksjan's Artistic Workshop FREE of charge as observers/representatives.
The Academy prepares participants for independent application in professional work of various forms of constellations such as group constellations, individual contact, concentration exercises, short constellation flashes, visualizations.
The Academy enables mastering the principles of working with the system according to Bert Hellinger's method in theory and practice. Understanding the method itself and the spiritual attitude needed to conduct family and business constellations.
The Academy creates a space to understand constellations as a therapeutic work tool and various possibilities of their application.
Participants in the Academy's classes can incorporate the experience of constellations into their work workshop and gain practical foundations for recognizing systemic entanglements.
The Academy is personal and professional development. Working with one's own needs, challenges, difficulties.
I invite individuals interested in personal development, solving problems in private and professional life. Insights from constellations can be very helpful for better understanding the forces influencing our relationships, careers, partnerships, health, and the well-being of our family.
I invite individuals from various professions who want to utilize the acquired knowledge and skills in their work, including those professionally engaged in helping, such as psychologists, therapists, teachers, trainers, coaches, consultants in companies, and collaborators of advisory, social centers, mediators, and others. Knowledge about systemic constellations and a spiritual attitude provide the opportunity to expand one's own professional actions.
Module 1
Systemic order and the knowing field
Module 2
The therapist's attitude and the constellation process in a group
Module 3
Structures in constellations
Module 4
Individual constellations
Module 5
Business constellations
Module 6
Personal and supervisory constellations.
Each of the five two-day modules costs 1500 PLN net.
The last sixth five-day module costs 2100 PLN net plus accommodation costs at the agritourism center near Warsaw.
Every person we approach becomes part of our fate, and we become part of theirs. None of you can avoid this, nor can I. We are connected by so many relationships that we move within the web of the fates of many people.
Bert Hellinger
The Systemic Constellation method according to Bert Hellinger, conducted with the participation of representatives, allows for seeing a broader - systemic context of matters and hidden relationships. It illustrates the immense power of human bonds. It quickly and precisely leads to the dynamics that binds a person to their family system in a dysfunctional way, limiting their personal development. This releases the entanglement and provides access to creative resources and agency potential.
When we see how much our ancestors' fates determine us, we understand that it makes no sense to blame ourselves. Not only did I create the circumstances of my life. We draw from family resources, whether we want to or not.
Constellations help bring to light what entangles us in the fates of other family members and primarily show the rules and laws according to which one can free themselves from limitations. For the family system significantly contributes to who we are, what we are good at, and in what position in a group or organization we feel comfortable.
Sometimes a certain story hinders fulfillment, career development, and a happy life. It complicates our effective action, being the primary creator of patterns in our lives. Therefore, by freeing ourselves from entanglements and unconscious blocks, we regain consent for our own success. A free space appears for both the new and for what was once excluded.
During constellations, we observe our human fate, the influence of generations on what happens to us now, and we see the orders prevailing in relationships. We observe the relationships of parents and their transfer to partners, which in turn affects relationships with children.
Looking with love, without judgment, at what has happened, we discover many truths that govern our lives and fate. By understanding these mechanisms, we gain the power to control our behavior so that we can experience peace and joy in the present life, but also not to be the cause of suffering for future generations.
Constellations are a type of work that opens access to long-frozen feelings. Here they can thaw, and we are free to experience them. In constellations, feelings are respected and allowed to show themselves. In the end, both the living and the deceased, along with their fates, can finally reconcile. They can agree to fate as it was, here and now.
The past is finally behind us, and we stand in the here and now with a completely NEW AWARENESS, to move towards a new future. TOWARDS A FUTURE where love can flow freely again. Bert Hellinger.
Dorota Kraszewska-Skoczkowska
Specializes in individual coaching and therapeutic assistance using Bert Hellinger's method.
She completed the course on systemic constellations according to Bert Hellinger's method in counseling and psychotherapy at the Center for Psychological Systemic Constellations in 2006. A graduate of the courses The Fundamentals and The Essentials of Systemic Coaching and Constellations Training facilitated by John Wittington approved by The International Coaching Federation. She has been conducting training and workshops since 1996.
As a trainer and coach of personal effectiveness, she has conducted workshops on building self-esteem and coping with stress. She has also led numerous training sessions on assertiveness and communication, as well as time management training. NLP practitioner. A graduate of the University of Silesia, Faculty of Artistic Pedagogy.