60 PLN
12.01.2025, 19:00
New Year with Flamenco!
It's already a tradition. Every year, right in the carnival after the Day of the Three Kings, we hold a New Year's Tablao Flamenco, when we still feel the festive atmosphere. It's a wonderful opportunity to start the new year with excellent flamenco. And there will be a truly great team of outstanding flamenco artists.
As every year in January, Eliza La Morá will dance at the first tablao, coming to us straight from Seville.
Eliza Miścior La Morá - dancer, choreographer, and flamenco dance instructor, scholarship holder and graduate of the renowned Fundación Cristina Heeren de Arte Flamenco school in Seville. She is a co-founder of the flamenco dance school 'A Compás' in Seville, where she conducts regular classes.
On guitar will play the master of flamenco guitar - Andrzej Lewocki - flamenco guitarist, laureate of the International Flamenco Guitar Competition in Murcia named after Niño Ricardo (2nd place). He has participated in numerous flamenco workshops in Poland and abroad. Currently, he collaborates with Tablao Flamenco, Magdalena Navarrete, Studio Flamenco, Mateo El Gallito (Duende), Los Bomberos. He records for radio and television. He is also invited as a studio musician.
The charismatic Mateo Gallito - pianist, dancer, and flamenco singer - will sing this evening. He is the founder of the existing Remedios group since 2002 and co-author and performer of the programs 'Sangre Flamenca,' 'Encuentro Flamenco,' 'Don Quijote,' 'Symfonia Flamenca,' 'Al-Alba.' During concert tours across Europe, he collaborated with many artists from Spain (including Angeles Gabaldón, Juan Polvillo, José Ángel Carmona).
Discography: Vendaval (2004), Dunya (2005), Cardamon (2007).
As part of the 'Professional Activation of Flamenco Dancers' program, the following will perform: Agata Biernaczyk, Katia Reshetneva, Nadia La Chiquetita.
When? January 12
/At what time? 19:00
/Where? World Management Center, Okrzei 26 Warsaw
/Ticket: 60 PLN
/Reservation: tablao@ardoraflamenca.com | SMS: 888 308 147
We invite you to our newsletter: http://eepurl.com/iY40GY
Strategic partner: World Management Center
Partners: 'Encuentros' Flamenco Dance School; 'La Tormenta' Flamenco Dance School; 'Triana' Flamenco Dance School; 'La Puerta Del Baile' Flamenco Dance School; Studio Flamenco; Movement Animation Studio Rhythm of Magdalena Faszcza; Ireneusz Sulewski Dance Academy.
'Tablao flamenco is an extraordinary meeting place for flamenco lovers, a space for the exchange of experiences and artistic sensations. This event's primary goal is to connect - to provide a common space for the entire community focused on flamenco. Finally, it is an independent artistic scene where every artist, regardless of experience, origin, or age, will be welcomed with open arms.'
We invite you to our website https://patronite.pl/tablao
Thank you for every support of the project, which without you, the audience and patrons, would be impossible.
We support art. We support flamenco. Ole!