We invite you to experience circle dances!💫
There will be music from various traditions, simple steps, and above all, a circle. A circle that has no beginning or end symbolizes the cyclicality of life, unity with nature, and community. While dancing your individual steps, you can simultaneously feel like part of a larger whole and a collective dance.
Circle dances are an ancient way to celebrate being together and building community.
Comfortable clothing and shoes are all you need. The steps are easy to learn regardless of fitness, age, or dancing experience. Because it’s really not about the steps, but about coming together in dance. We invite you!👟
Leading: Agnieszka Muzyka Pędzich – has been dancing various dance forms for over 10 years, particularly completely spontaneous, intuitive, improvised dance, as well as circle dances. She works daily at a Foundation that focuses on creating spaces for dialogue in various public areas, involving residents in decision-making processes, and strengthening local communities.
Free admission.