a cycle of events with invited Guests that will deepen your knowledge and skills in dancing tango nuevo. The next workshop is on Saturday, November 16th! 😃
Do you feel the magic of connection in tango? Do the memories of previous workshops still vibrate in your heart? We are here to dive back into the passion and emotions of TANGO NUEVO!
After our last energetic meeting, where we explored muscle tension, body positioning, dissociation, the quality of embrace work, and the skills of leading and following – so clearly that we could dance even without an embrace – it’s time for the next step in our dance adventure!
During the upcoming workshops, we will start with a short review, particularly focusing on the skill of conscious and very clear movement. Then, we will use these skills to master the spectacular SOLTADs, which are the essence of freedom and expression of the Nuevo style.
So get ready for unusual and surprising transitions and lots of turns 😉
Witek Sobczak & Agnieszka Goszyk
Block A, Nuevo Technique
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Block B, Soltady 1
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Block C, Soltady 2*