The Culture House 'Praga' and the Konopacki Palace have been a home for traditional music and Ognisk for 8 years. These include Wesołe Mazurki from Praga for children and Duże Mazurki – Ognisko for adults. Here, you can play the violin, frame drum, bass, and practice white singing based on the knowledge and extensive repertoire of our instructors. And since traditional music is primarily about meeting and building a community around music and dance in a big city – we invite you to join the fun!
Children and parents together – this is the idea of our Traditional Music Ognisk meetings. Two Ognisk have accepted the invitation – the Family Ognisko from Lublin led by Przemek Łozowski and the Traditional Music Ognisko for children from Garwolin run by Mateusz Niwiński. Participants will play for the audience at the evening carnival party. We invite you!
5:30 PM – dance workshops – carnival fun
6:30 PM – carnival dance party
Tickets for 20 PLN at