With wings on our feet, walking to St. Michael the Archangel
On a journey along the path of St. Francis to the cave of Gargano, where St. Michael the Archangel appeared, we will be taken by a journalist from the Opoka portal and Mały Gość Niedzielny – Agata Ślusarczyk. The journalist and experienced pilgrim – just like last year – will take us on a unique journey through Italian land.
Together with the traveler, we will experience extreme Italian heat, learn the power of prayer with the Chaplet to the Archangels, and meet exceptional saints: Francesca Lancellotti, to whom Michael the Archangel appeared and instructed to go to... Rome, and Filippa Mareri – the first Franciscan saint – “the saint of the heart.” We will also find out why St. Michael the Archangel appeared in the cave and search for traces of St. Francis there. The priests serving in the sanctuary will tell us about the spirituality of this place and ... about the Italian mafia. There will also be plot twists, unforeseen situations, and the hospitality of the Redemptorist sisters in Foggia.
Agata Ślusarczyk was a long-time journalist for the Warsaw 'Gość Niedzielny,' and is currently an editor for the Opoka portal and a collaborator of 'Mały Gość Niedzielny.' She has frequently described her travels through interesting corners of the Archdiocese of Warsaw in its pages. She is also the organizer of many walking and cycling pilgrimages. This year, the II Walking Pilgrimage from Warsaw to Konstancin to the Sisters of Angels took place. Since 2008, she has been a member of the Water of Life Community, operating at St. James the Apostle Parish in Warsaw. She is involved in evangelization initiatives such as the Alpha Course and Przystanek Jezus.
Last year, she set out on the Via di Francesco – the Way of St. Francis, which she talked about in the Agere Contra café.