After a few years' break, the long-awaited, extraordinary, crazy, one-of-a-kind winter benefit returns for the Warsaw Manifa aka Queer Grandmother's Day Party!
We invite you on Saturday, January 18, 2025, to the Manifa Grandmother's Place, which will become the hall of the Powszechny Theatre for this evening. We start at 8:30 PM, as Grandmothers never sleep and start early to be able to party late!
There will be wild dances, both to the music of live bands and the wonderful Promanifa DJs. There will, of course, be a lottery, where every ticket wins, and the proceeds, just like the proceeds from the benefit, allow us to organize the Warsaw intersectional, feminist, queer, social, anti-racist, pro-worker, climate Manifa. All details coming soon; we will, of course, reveal them gradually to build the suspense. Grandmothers, Great-Grandmothers, Grannies, Grandmothers, Grandmas, Elders, Wise Ones, and Witches of all genders – unite!
(And if you are wondering why our Grandmother's Day falls a week before the calendar Grandmother's Day, we answer: The Feminist Agreement of March 8 is already so ancient that soon it can be considered not just one of the Grannies, but one of the Great-Grandmothers of Polish feminism 😉