No matter if you’ve already mastered all the material or still have studying for exams ahead of you – everyone needs a moment to breathe. And with Carnival just around the corner, we’re excited to invite you to a Carnival Party at the banquet hall! 🎉🎉🎉
➤ WHERE: DS Bratniak-Muszelka, Banquet Hall B235 🏰
➤ WHEN: January 11th (Saturday) 📅
➤ START: 7:00 PM 🕕
➤ DRESS CODE: Costumes are optional but highly encouraged! 🧝🧙🫅
Join the event to stay updated – we’ve got a few surprises for you!
Be sure to bring your friends and good vibes, and we’ll make sure you have an amazing time! 😍🌟