The Theatre Institute invites you on January 15 at 6:00 PM to a meeting from the series 'Book in the Theatre' dedicated to translations of texts for the theatre. Admission is free, but reservation of seats is required at the address
Let’s imagine that a translator finds a great play in a foreign language and… doesn’t know what to do with it next. During our January meeting, we will try to show several possible paths. Our goal is also to increase the visibility of translators of plays, as well as to draw attention to their role in shaping theatrical life.
Krystyna Mogilnicka will talk about the recently published 'Guide to Theatrical Translations' and the international project that it is a result of. Piotr Olkusz (editor-in-chief of 'Dialog') will present the path to the publication of plays in the monthly dedicated to contemporary drama. The behind-the-scenes work of a literary manager reading dozens of plays monthly will be brought closer by Tadeusz Nyczek, the literary manager of the Ateneum Theatre. Małgorzata Semil, an outstanding translator from English, will share her many years of experience translating plays performed on stages across Poland. The conversation about plays, theatres, and translations will be led by Elżbieta Zimna, the head of the Library of the Theatre Institute, a theatre scholar, and a translator of plays.
'Theatre could not exist on the international stage without translators, who often also have expert knowledge of the theatrical culture of the language area in which they work. Thanks to their translations, dramatic texts can be presented not only as independent literary works but also as elements of a specific theatrical tradition, with a particular aesthetic and cultural-political context, related to theatre as a living organism that takes into account all components of theatrical synthesis.'
– Excerpt from the introduction to the 'Guide to Theatrical Translations,' Theatre Institute named after Zbigniew Raszewski, Warsaw 2024.
The meeting will feature: Tadeusz Nyczek, Krystyna Mogilnicka, Piotr Olkusz, Małgorzata Semil, and Elżbieta Zimna.
Admission to the event is free, but due to the limited number of seats, reservation is necessary. Reservations can be made at: The reservation will be valid upon receiving a confirmation message, which will be sent within three working days. Those who have not made a reservation will be admitted as space allows.