2400 - 2600 PLN
17.01.2025, 18:00 - 21:00
18.01.2025, 09:00 - 18:00
19.01.2025, 09:00 - 18:00
We did not come to this earth from nowhere. We have parents, a place of birth, and half of our genes that come from the male line of our family. We have a surname, usually from our father, and a history of our lives, which for at least the first several years was connected to family.
Unfortunately, we are often not in a good and nurturing connection with our grandparents, fathers, uncles, cousins, and brothers. The close men in our lives often caused difficult experiences; we remember them and hold onto those memories, nurturing a bitter resentment. We choose the company of women, distancing ourselves from what is masculine.
The repression of these difficult experiences from memory provides a deceptive relief; we forget about them, yet they continue their negative influence 'in the background.' It can take decades before a man dares to look into his difficult past and consciously acknowledge it as part of his history.
Until that time, we remain with a life plan written by a 7-year-old.
A boy's solution to difficulties with men is often to separate from male company and make a vow to himself: 'I will never be like my father.' What is denied is most often male aggressiveness, sexuality, or the active pursuit and experience of pleasure. It is no coincidence that many men have significant problems in these areas.
Another idea from an immature mind is to shut off feeling. Since feelings cause pain, one should stop feeling. Activity is transferred to the head, into an illusorily safe space of the mind. We choose the predictability of life framed in procedures and algorithms, opting for distance, humorous detachment, distrust, or even hostility towards feelings.
Thus, a man grows up, has a male body, an adult mind, earns, organizes, plans, and achieves goals. The sphere of feeling and emotions remains immature, lagging behind the development of the person because the man has no contact with it. The adult and the boy sit in separate rooms, knowing little about each other. Everything seems to be in relative order until the man needs to engage emotionally, for example, in a relationship or raising a child. Then the inability or unwillingness to enter into an emotional relationship manifests, which modern women seeking mature relationships with men know very well.
What can be done about this? How to write a new life plan that includes both mind and feeling?
There are many solutions; sensible ways certainly include an element of deepening awareness of the body and feelings, an experiential rather than merely intellectual entry into the space you have previously avoided or felt very awkward in.
The second aspect is contact with men, breaking the loneliness resulting from the denial of what is masculine, opening up to collaboration, restoring trust. The experience of a healing men's group, which for many is a breakthrough event.
These are also the components of this workshop:
- Lowen exercises proposing specially selected movements that stimulate body activity, deepen breathing, and provoke emotional reactions. It is not about increasing muscle strength, stretching, or improving the body's endurance. Through the body, we aim towards blocked emotions. The release of emotions occurs in various ways, but these are not sudden or threatening effects.
- Communication with men, in a male circle, in contact in pairs. Listening to others and learning to express oneself in the language of intuition, emotions, and feeling.
What you can gain:
- better feeling of your body, 'regaining' parts of your body
- more peace and composure, better grounding in reality, practical ways to deal with anxiety and stress
- intense emotional experiences that can open new directions for your development
- safe contact with sadness and anger, which will help you better cope with these feelings in everyday life
- many opportunities to regain connection to the inner source of strength that gives you the power to defend yourself, to say NO, to reach for what you want and need, to say YES to life
- new acquaintances with those you will connect with through shared experience, with men interested in their own development
The strength that flows from the integration of body and mind can be regained to experience fullness in life, work, love, and sex. And I invite you to such an experience - Marcin Poćwiardowski
The workshop is based on psychological knowledge. It does not contain elements of cult or neo-shamanism in any form.
Two-and-a-half-day workshop: Friday, January 17, 2025, 18-21:00, Saturday and Sunday, January 18-19, 2025, 9-18 (with a full lunch break on Saturday and Sunday). At least 18 clock hours of classes
Cost (depending on the registration date):
December: 2400 PLN
January: 2600 PLN
Location: Warsaw Mokotów, MyMeditation.Space, Puławska 118A
We practice in loose clothing and barefoot. A towel for exercises (must be terry cloth!), a mat or blanket for comfortable sitting and lying on the floor, and drinking water will also be needed.
Registration by email: marcin@techne.pl
The offer does not include meals or accommodation.
Reservation of a place occurs after an email notification to marcin@techne.pl and payment.
Note: psychotic states, psychotropic therapy (antidepressants are okay, as long as the doctor/therapist agrees), epilepsy, glaucoma, active addiction exclude participation in the classes. In case of doubts, please contact: marcin@techne.pl
Facilitator: Marcin Poćwiardowski – psychologist, psychotherapist, trainer, and mentor. I am 52 years old. I have been working with men for 15 years. I created and have been leading LOWEN for MEN for seven years.