6 weeks of intensive work
Participation conditions: no medical contraindications to moderate-intensity gymnastic work, complete vaccinations
for whom: for show dogs that already have show experience and know the basics of training and education
We start the classes with an assessment of the dog's condition, its weaknesses and strengths as a show dog
Our goal is balanced physical development, improvement of balance, muscle tone, awareness of paws, increase and improvement of cadence and fluidity of movement, preparation for running with the head straight ahead, correct head carriage in the ring, establishing proper limb work at a trot, determining the appropriate and optimal running pace in the ring, learning free stacking with appropriate muscle tension, learning to independently improve the stance
number of participants - max 4 pairs
instructor: Agnieszka Penkala - founder and trainer of the Handling Academy, experienced zoopsychologist and dog trainer, movement enthusiast