15.01.2025, 19:00 - 22:00
FREE REGISTRATION FOR THE EVENT: https://tertio.pl/wydarzenia/zrozumiec-wojtyle/ The year 2025 marks the 20th anniversary of the death of Saint John Paul II and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Tertio Millennio Institute. The organizers of the seminar 'Understanding Wojtyła' agree with the statement that the teachings of the Polish pope are an untapped gold mine, which unfortunately is little exploited. Similarly, they do not want the wealth of heritage to be reduced to emotional, shallow memories in accordance with the saying 'cream cakes yes, encyclicals no.' As part of the subsequent meetings of the series (on Wednesdays, once a month), participants will read the texts of Karol Wojtyła - John Paul II with the substantive support of Prof. Dominika Żukowska - Gardzińska, gaining knowledge about how the Holy Father, who passed away over 20 years ago, perceived fundamental issues for human existence such as: love, culture, dialogue, and identity.