Why these industry or business breakfasts …
1) exchange of offers - because often computer systems won't do what a good conversation between people can, and connecting the dots in a non-standard way
2) improving your skills to work more effectively - improving effectiveness by at least 25% within a few days after training on the topic I will address at the breakfast (psychology will be 😅)
3) improving your communication, both with yourself and with others - to live more happily
without misunderstandings, with an understanding of the processes that govern us.
Such meetings from time to time with people who understand how difficult this profession is, how demanding it is in terms of working time, or managing a process touching many fields - legal, technical-construction, psychological, physical, and above all financial … priceless.
That’s why this profession often burns out even the best. Sign up for the January breakfast, which will be led by the intermediary with many years of experience, Małgorzata Makowska - Warsaw Association of Real Estate Intermediaries, and this mutual admiration has remained to this day.
This is already the 13th Breakfast organized by the Warsaw Association of Intermediaries
This time the topic is Effective communication with the client! And the whole will be led by my good friend from the industry, Małgorzata Makowska!
Thank you WSPON - Warsaw Association of Real Estate Intermediaries for the trust and for inviting me to lead
the substantive part.
Iza Miks Kożuchowska
503 503 007
We train for our clients
#szkolimysiedlanaszychklientow #warszawa #wspon #komunikacjazklientem #pośrednik #profesjonalista and not just a key holder.