Due to changes in the eighth-grade exam, Robert Chamczyk has prepared new versions of training for Polish teachers, taking into account new requirements as well as his own observations made while checking exams.
The analysis will focus on the most difficult and easiest tasks, the way tasks checking knowledge of literature are constructed, issues related to the study of language, and the ability to create practical forms.
Participants in the training will receive tips on what to pay attention to so that students do not lose points due to neglecting certain issues.
Cost of the training: 95 PLN.
We issue invoices. Participants will receive certificates and materials.
More information: https://supernauczyciel.pl/webinary/szkolenia-dla-polonistow/191-egzamin-osmoklasisty-z-jezyka-polskiego-od-roku-szkolnego-20242025-rozwiazania-praktyczne