1200 - 1500 PLN
17.01.2025, 19:00 - 21:30
31.01.2025, 19:00 - 21:30
14.02.2025, 19:00 - 21:30
DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP for men in the circle format.
Third edition
Man, I invite you to the most exciting journey. Into yourself!
For power, for transformation, for relief!
Are you looking for your path? Do you have important decisions ahead of you? Do you desire change?
In work? In love? In life?
Do you need support? Adventure?
It's time to embark on the HERO'S JOURNEY!
Many have walked this path before us. We can learn from their mistakes, experiences, wisdom.
THE HERO'S JOURNEY is the core of every myth, a script that guides us.
It was described by Joseph Campbell in the book 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces'.
First, there is the call. We reject it. Then we meet the Mentor, who pushes us towards growth, so we set out. We confront the Unknown, gain Allies, fight the Shadow. We descend into the Underworld. We acquire the Treasure. We die. We are reborn.
We heal ourselves. We heal the village.
And we set off on a new Journey!
Check where you are in the journey. Where are you in your relationship – work - fulfillment?
Every place is good to take the next step. Every step brings you closer to the goal.
If you want a script for independent work with the HERO'S JOURNEY – write to me: rpraszynski@gmail.com
For men who are looking for their heart's path.
For men who need a male community, wisdom, joy.
For men who want to live more mindfully.
Are you looking for a mission? The strength to fulfill it? Be your own Hero!
New paths.
Energy and ideas for change.
You can meet your emotions – and take care of them.
You can meet other men who, like you, are searching for a good path.
There will be twelve meetings. There will be a maximum of twelve Travelers.
We will sit in a circle, share our experiences, emotions, our lives.
Speaking from the heart and attentive listening has the power to transform.
Close encounters of men with men soothe wounds, add strength.
It feels good to know that we are not alone.
Each circle will be an opportunity for developmental-therapeutic work. Throughout the entire cycle, each Traveler will have the opportunity for individual work with a therapist. And many opportunities for group work.
We will be guided by the monomyth of the Hero's Journey. A script written by humanity in its myths. The wisdom of generations that have wandered before us.
We will meet inner Allies, the inner Mentor. We will confront our own Shadow to draw power from it. We will meet the inner Woman. We will experience our own Death. We will invite Rebirth.
Man, Traveler – I invite you to journey into yourself. There await greater Treasures than we can imagine!
My name is Roman Praszyński. I am a therapist. I conduct workshops for men, individual therapy. I am the first husband of my second wife, father of three children.
For many years I was a journalist, I wrote novels. I delved into the myth of the Hero's Journey to create more engaging stories.
After fifty, my Journey led me to therapeutic work with people. Along the way, I descended into the Underworld, experienced what abandonment, exclusion, and identity crisis are. I learned the art of rebirth. From this place, I want to share with other men. From a place of peace and trust in oneself – in the journey.
I work in the process-oriented therapy approach, systemic constellations, inner family. I have experience rooted in indigenous cultures.
When asked what is most important in life, I answer: 'Embracing with compassion all your wounded, inner parts. Some call it love.'
For over twenty years, I have been part of men's circles. I owe them a lot. In the company of men, I sought answers to the question of what masculinity means to me. I found self-confidence and wonder at existence. I invite men to circles with the intention of sharing the good news.
Change is possible!
I care about creating conditions for attentive and deep developmental work.
Therefore, I want to establish a permanent group. Twelve men who will discover their Path together.
Is the Hero's Journey calling you? Feel if you are ready to dedicate twelve Friday evenings to it?
Will you embark on a six-month journey?
Be careful, you may return transformed!
After the cycle of meetings, each participant will be able to take advantage of one free, one-hour session in a therapeutic office. Such a meeting will help integrate what happens in the workshop.
THE HERO'S JOURNEY – DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP for men in the circle format.
Two Fridays a month. From 19:00 to 21:30.
Warsaw. Busolowa 16A.
Kindergarten (yes!) Village L’Atelier
A solitary villa in the middle of a block estate.
1500 PLN
Twelve meetings, thirty hours of development.
Non-refundable deposit 300 PLN, the rest to the account in the week before the first meeting.
Promotional price until 11.09.2024 – 1200 PLN.
If you pay the deposit by September 11, you will pay 1200 PLN for the workshop. That gives 40 PLN/hour.
If you want a script for independent work THE HERO'S JOURNEY, write to me: rpraszynski@gmail.com
If you have questions, want to talk – I invite you:
tel. 601897817
Roman Praszyński
I also invite you to a workshop for men
22-25.08.2024 Latoszyn near Dębica