I invite you to a one-day introductory workshop on contact improvisation and jamming for those starting their journey with CI and those who have recently started dancing or are returning to dance after a break, or those who want to refine their skills.
On Sunday, September 22.
We will have plenty of time to calmly enter into contact, get comfortable with our bodies and with our partner's body. We will reflect on what it means to dance together, how to engage in it without planning, and whether engagement and letting go can support each other?
In the classes, we will work on relaxing the body and seek a compromise between control and its absence. We will learn to softly enter into contact with our partner and the floor. We will explore gentle touch and seek how to provide support while also leaving freedom and not restricting.
We will also go through several technical issues, e.g.: where to find strength for lifts, how to do it without straining and overloading the spine. How to fall safely. How to be light and support lifts.
In a series of mini-jams, we will explore entering and exiting contact, look for levels from which I dance duet/trio, and examine how space, group, words, music, and silence influence our dance.
Where: The workshop will take place at Zimba on Skaryszewska.
When: Sunday, September 22, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (with a break for lunch)
For how much: 200 PLN before registration by September 15, 300 PLN after that date
Registration required, limited number of places.
Applications: obudzcialowarszawa@gmail.com
About me: Tomasz Domański, dancer, performer, educator. He has been dancing CI for 10 years. He teaches contact improvisation and partnering, facilitates jams, and conducts workshops for adults and youth. For many years, he co-created the performative collective Szur-Sure, with which he performed on stage and in the city space in site-specific performances, and was part of the partnering group Oddaj Ciężar led by Karolina Kroczak. He is interested in exploring the infinite possibilities of movement and the elements that influence that movement, the relationship with the partner, intention, body awareness, attention, and building a deeply rooted trust in one's body.